Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sienna has a lot longer happy times now. I think this is mostly because her eyesight has improved so much and so she doesn't get as bored. Whatever the reason Sean and I enjoy it. She still gets really angry when things aren't going her way, but we love her all the same. I swear she gets more beautiful each day and I love taking pictures to show off on facebook and the blog.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Sienna is getting a lot better at finding her thumb, and yesterday when I gave her bath she loved the dripping wash cloth and followed it with her eyes. She was sooo mad when I took her out, I guess she wasn't done. I am not sure why but my legs are killing me and even though she went right to sleep after her 3am feed I couldn't....I wish I had just taken medicine.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So Big!

Top left=6 weeks 
bottom left=5 weeks 
bottom right= 7 weeks
...and now at 7 1/2 weeks she has outgrown her newborn sleepers.

1st Mothers Day

I had I wonderful 1st mothers day full of happy wishes. I got a picture book of Sienna, and we all went to church for the first time. (everyone adored her of course.) She was quiet all through sacrament meeting. My mother-in-law sent flowers and my mom sent a card. Sean also gave me a massage and made this beautiful dinner! Thanks everyone.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bath Time

Sienna always likes her next bath more than her last. This is the last bath before we retire her hospital tub (it  lasted 6 1/2 weeks!). We made a mess but she was super cute and fun.

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Visit from Grandma and Gram

Bouncing to the beatles
a much needed rest
just chillin
showing off the bow I made
kkisses at the hospital
Sienna had fun visit with Gram. We are so grateful for such wonderful mothers to help us out! Thank You.