Sunday, August 25, 2013

Learning Gospel Principles

Sienna just pointed at a picture of the Savior. Sean told her "that's Jesus" and immediately she folded her arms and bowed her head. :) She understands that we say his name at the end of a prayer. We were both very impressed. I love my little girl.

We have decided she might be old enough to understand simple family home evenings.

2 Nephi 25:26 And we atalk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we bprophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our cchildren may know to what source they may look for a dremission of their sins.

I have come to have a deep love for my Savior and I hope Sienna will develop this love as well. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I had one of those rewarding mommy moments two days ago. Sienna and I were working on her actions words, and we set them down. Sienna went back, found the word spin, picked it up, and spun around. It was absolutely adorable realizing she knew what it meant. She was really excited when I showed her the word "in" and demonstrated what it meant. She was putting her hand in and out of a toy and then she moved on to putting her foot in and out of it. We got a free book from the library for doing their summer reading program, and Sienna is loving it. Ironically she brought it to me while I was typing that sentence. She also has a favorite necklace that she manages to find every day and she loves wearing it. It is the one necklace I don't ever wear and it is pink and I am glad that is the one she loves. Another fun thing that happened this week was that Sienna pointed at a bag of chocolate covered blueberries and said "chocola" I was so excited that I gave her a few.
Last night after Sean came home and said hi, he went upstairs to unwind, Sienna went to the bottom of the stairs, and yelled, "daddy!" over and over again. She is saying so many words and it is a blast. Her favorite thing to watch are the minions, and she can pronounce every syllable...although she usually shortens it to "mi" She also said, "more juice" yesterday. :) :) :) I am loving the rewards of motherhood.
Outside the theater after seeing Despicable Me 2

After spilling hot chocolate mix all over the floor and drawing some pretty pictures. 

trying on sunglasses in the children's place