A few weeks ago started having contractions in the middle of the night that woke me up, but they weren't too bad. Wednesday I started having painful contractions throughout the day. By Friday afternoon they were so close and intense I was worried she was on her way. The doctors office was closed and I knew the hospital would send me home because I wasn't in labor in labor despite severe pain. So I bed rested over the weekend, and the contractions slowed considerably, but the pain continued to be intense. On Monday I went into the doctor, Sean had to take off work to drive me because I was having contractions and it is a 45 minute drive. I had a contraction on the way and was really hoping the doctor could give me something to stop them so I wouldnt have to be on bedrest for the next two months. He did not and I am modified bedrest, so I can do some things but not much. My contractions have decreased, but I am still in lot of pain, and if I walk or stand too long they come back. Now on to the cute stuff that reminds me why I am doing this.
When you ask your almost 4 year old to clean the toys out of the tub.
New halloween, new red puppy custome
A green tiger. She has been wanting this for a while, but I couldnt fibd green tiger print fabric, but then I saw pink zebra fabric and thought to look up green zebra fabric. Ta da
My wonderful ministering sister brought homemade rolls, soup, and a struesel and stayed to do dishes.
Trimmed the ends of Sienna's hair. She is growing it out.
We made a cardboard bed for their toys.
Sienna and Gabriel did a resturant. Sienna made the food, Gabriel was the waiter, and Bridget brought out dessert. It was adorable.
I sat at table 1
Video games with daddy is thier favorite time of the week.
I asked Sienna to bring me a roll and she showed up with these. ❤❤❤
Our Christmas trees came. Cara cara orange and meijer lemon
The kids hiding in the box
Sean made the kids wooden swords for their plant battles