Friday, September 24, 2021

Zoo Day

 We had so much fun at the zoo. We went on a Friday so hardly anyone was there! We got to see so many animals up close and you could tell they were well taken care of because the we so friendly, playful, and comfortable around people. This Sea Otter was a blast.


I forgot how huge giraffes are and because it was raining they were inside and so close that I was worried they could reach down and chew on my hair. 

Gabriel took a polar bear for a walk. It was so playful and acted kind of like a dog.
Seeing how big they are compared to gorillas.

We got to spend time really close to this lion, it even rolled over on its back and looked at us as if it was expecting a belly rub. 

"Now Lucy, remember, no matter what anyone tells you monkeys aren't real" (This was Bridget talking to Lucy, Sean overheard and that is when we planned our zoo trip. 
This lady was really pretty. 

Gabriel admiring the large komodo dragon
Lucy learns about frogs

Poison frogs
Leaf tail gecko
Hyena up close
This smile!
Riding the rhino
Sting ray

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Land prep and 9 month check-up


I am liking howing my second attempt at drawing Sienna in color is going. 

Splashing on the land prep plastic

Gabriel helping daddy with the fire. 
Stitch girl

Baby yoda girl
Sienna scored some roller skates at the Well and Bridget got a brand new anna costume
Gabriel got a lamp, a mit, and a baseball.
I brought Bridget with us to Lucy's 9 month Appointment and it was so much more fun. 

We have a 16 lb, crawling, baby girl on our hands. She usually just say "um ma ma" but I have heard her say, "mommy" once, but no other letter sounds; however, at one point during the appointment she looked right at Bridget and said, "Ba!"

Sleepy sunset baby
Babies are soooooo cute in jackets

Sienna made dinner, complete with chair covers!
Sienna being an awesome big sister
Wild birds in my yard in the morning
Sienna all ready for her acting class with a NY director.
Gabriel showing off perfect playing position.