This girl loves me. Her smile melts my heart
She picked the bow all on her own
Cute sisters. And as adorable as those pajamas look under her church dress I did make her change.
Beautiful new birthday dress from grandma and grandpa
Our beautiful St. patrick's dinner. I love that Sean makes us delicious food to celebrate his and the kids Irish ancestry.
Daddy snuggles are the best snuggles.
Realism vs. Anime
Sienna made a house for her toys
Sienna made a wild pet shop from the fish and tad poles she caught from our lake.
The lake melted! And it was beautiful.
She made this look so comfy, but apparently it wasn't.
Nap time
Lucy's 15 month Appointment, right after Sienna's dental consultation to address her tooth crowding.
Our green house and view of the lake. Now I just have to get better at the gardening thing.