contractions two minutes apart. So we called my mom, packed up the bags, and headed to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital I was already dilated 4cm. I had the most wonderful nurse named Megan and I think she was an angel that God sent to me. She helped me breath and talked me through the epidural. When Sean told her I was scared of needles she made it so I only had to get poked twice instead of three times. The anesthesiologist (Dr. Chang I believe)was so quick and the epidural was wonderful. By nine o' clock I was 7cm dilated and by 11:30am I was wanting to push. I was 10cm by 12:00 o' clock and baby was born at 12:51pm. She had a hard time getting out and had already passed her first poop in the womb. They did a second degree episiotomy
and used a little suction on her head. She was breathing really fast so they took her to the nursery for several hours after I held her for only a few seconds. During labor I kept asking if I could eat, Megan said she would have breakfast for me and asked what I wanted, she also made sure my food was there the moment the baby came out. I told you she was amazing. In fact all the nurses were wonderful. God truly heard our prayers and it was an easier labor than any I had imagined and Sienna is simply beautiful. Every time I asked Heavenly Father if something would be possible with the labor it worked out. She was born a week early, she was born midday (my best time of day), the labor was short, my water broke on its own and started was wonderful. We are so grateful Heavenly Father entrusted his beautiful daughter to our care and I only hope I can be the means of leading her back to him.
A lot of people have asked "were you surprised it was a girl?" to which I would say "No, not really" I knew it was a girl. I had seen her, I told people. If you look back and read the ultrasound post you will remember I cried for two straight hours, not because I didn't want a baby boy but because I was worried about my standing with God. I asked myself if I was having false revelations. It was a relief to know that that wasn't the case. We love our beautiful girl and I brought out the one newborn skirt I bought before the ultrasound and the bows I made her.
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