Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Drive In Movie

Sienna and I saw our first ever drive in movie!!! Sean set up the futon in the back of the van and we were nice and cozy. We watched Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters and had a lot of fun. 

While we were having dinner with some new friends Sienna tried to climb the stairs on the outside because we had the gate up. Those gate have caused nothing but problems for her. They make her fall down and try all sorts of unsafe endeavors. 

Sienna made her very first mega blocks creation! I held the bottom for her, but she fit the pieces together all by herself!!! 


  1. Drive ins are a good idea. The thought of going to a real movie theater with R makes my blood run cold. Glad you guys had fun! And oh my gosh, these little ones don't seem to have any sense of caution! Glad she's so inventive though.

  2. Yeah I made the mistake of putting her dog right on the other side of the gate and she just had to get it.

  3. I love the pictures of her trying to get up the stairs. It doesnt' mean no it just means find another way!!!!
