Thursday, May 16, 2013


For a long time I have been applauding Sienna for everything she does that I enjoy and guess what???? She has started applauding me when I do somethings she enjoys. The first time was a couple of nights ago when I got out the milk to fill up her bottle. She started clapping enthusiastically. I was so surprised that I stopped for a second....which made her very alarmed. Since then she has been applauding for other small things I do. When I turn on music, when I feed her, when I open the door let her outside. I love been applauded :) It makes my job seem so much cooler. She also claps when I say "Good" or "Good Job" because I always clap for her after I say "good job"

I have also noticed that she is really aware when people are talking about her. She has been for sometime but it is very obvious now and she always rewards people who compliment her with a cute flirtatious looking smile. She loves being adored, but I can't blame her because I love it too. 

Yesterday I finally let her try and use a spoon by herself and I was absolutely thrilled with the results. She knew exactly what to do with it and most of the food made it into her mouth. I am really impressed that she got it on the first try. Especially since I can count on one hand how many times I have assisted her in using a utensil and knowing she has never had the opportunity to try it before. 

Sienna has become more of a cuddle-bub and will now frequently seek my lap and sit contentedly while I hug her, read to her, or watch something with her. She wants me to hold her when she cries, which is a relief to me because before she would frequently refuse my comfort. 

She loves when I count her toes and will point at them when I stop. This has become her way of say again and is also frequently accompanied by the word "dat" 

Sienna's Zumba Fitness Skills have advanced increasingly. She can now shake her hips! She twists, stomps, shakes her hips, claps, and bounces along to the beat of the music. Her favorite move is when I say "Up, down" and she moves her arms up and down. The video shows some but not all and she doesn't usually fall down that much.