Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sienna is 8

We had so much fun celebrating this girl on such a special birthday and we are looking forward to her upcoming baptism.
We decided to celebrate the day before so we werent trying to do it on Sunday. She didnt mind celebrating early.
 She got to open her new kitty shirt first thing.

Then she threw herself a kid party with hats and fairy wings.

While they played Sean and I took a walk and saw our peach blossoms.
 We also found that the previous owners had planted crocus
 And tulips.
 Sienna opening present number two from us.
 Do you think she likes it?
 Sean wowing the kids with his expert pizza flipping.
 The kids loved helping put the toppings on our homemade pizzas.
 Enjoying the pizza

 The kids enjoyed putting the faces and ears on the kitty cone cake pops. Just what Sienna wanted.

 The birthday girl
 The brother
 Little sister
 Cross-section view of the homemade vanilla cake, homemade raspberry reduction. And homemade buttercream frosting. I had to take a picture since it took a long time to make. Luckily I had lots of helpers.

Birthday interview to follow. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Dinner Prep Conversation

So we are getting ready for Sienna's birthday a day early and Sean says,

 "Does Everyone have plates?" Sienna answers, "Yes"

"Does Everyone have cups?"

"No, not yet."

"Does everyone have a sense of purpose and well-being?"

"Um....I dont even think that's real."

Maybe you had to be there but I was laughing so hard.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Gabriel Lost His 2nd Tooth

It is tooth losing season at our house, and apparently this little guy has to keep up with his sister. Now they have both lost their two front bottom teeth. Gabriel's is harder to tell because his permanent tooth on the bottom went right where his baby one left.


I found this to be a particularly satisfying science day. I am not sure why. 
 Given our homeschooling, somewhat socially distance lifestyle I was quite shocked at the state of our local cereal isle.

 Our temporary slide set up

 And again

Battling the dirt

 Foot feet
 Gabriel at war with the plants

Exploring the yard

 I thought these beaver prepared logs would make a cool looking ladder.

Gabriel helping us haul dirt for our berry patches. 

 Helping plant fruit trees is exhausting. We planted ten that day and 6 the next.
 Sienna discovers ice cave. I hadnt ever seen icicles from roots before, but it looked really cool.
 Bridget draws a baby
 Seat buddies for dinner

 Some surprises under the wall paper. A bit of bleach cleared things right up.