Saturday, June 10, 2023

Spring concert

 Our green house is thriving. The tomatoes are tied up and pruned, the beans are starting to climb, and the cucumbers are waiting to be tied.

North Garden
Our first broccoli coming in
Table naps, Lucy is actually pretending to be like big sis
Lucy found the Hess truck, it doesn't even have batteries but she loves it. She is a totally truck, car, plane type of girl. 
This is the girls second choir concert, but the first one we got to attend. The girls were excellent and entertaining performers and Lucy and Gabriel enjoyed watching too. 



Lucy's favorite picture pose.

Bridget made me a plant Taco at her restaurant 
This was a fun morning, Bridget was being a tiger in the long grass. 

So fun having all the kids at church

Children's Fair


Counting and abc shirts


Baby Adalind



Lucy put this diaper on her head and said, "diapy hat"
Ice pop Bridget made herself
Kids just chilling is heavenly 

Lucy loves helping me water the trees

My two most recent pieces
Helping daddy