Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Doctors and birthdays

Bridget was finally invited to a Saturday birthday instead of a Sunday one. We were so excited as this was her 4th invite and the 1st 3 where on Sunday at paid locations. One of them we were able to do a playdate at our house and give her a gift. I was very grateful her mom was willing to do that so she could still have that time with her friend. 



We have been going to church early and playing in the nursery so Sean can attend his meetings in person, but we can still drive together. We have made some really fun memories. 
My Sienna artist has started to do front and back drawings and giving them to people as toys. I absolutely love it. 
Bridget is enjoying her christmas playdough and made this beautiful layered cake. 
Piggy back rides are what big siblings are for right? There is only a ten pound difference between the two of them. 

These girls both want all the love. If Sean and I are holding one the other wants to be held too. It has prompted one of my favorite things Lucy says though, "My daddy" and "my mommy."
She went for a rare all black outfit for school this day so of course I needed a picture. 
My cute boy, loving having him home again
The giant icicle out Gabriel's bedroom window


Ninjabread men


I took Gabriel back to homeschool. We had an agreement that he had to go till Christmas so I could get my surgery and recover. His teacher gave a ton of homework and was difficult to work with. He is much better to homeschool now that he knows the difference and I am really proud of the progress he is making. I made this card for his teacher. 
There was a sale on Christmas stuff and this ninja bread kit was only 60 cents so of course I had to do it for an after school activity. 

Tried out a single ponytail on Sean's request. It turned out very cute. Still a double ponytail fan. 

Only snowmen of the season

 I tried my hand at wire bending. It is quite fun. 

Sienna's snow unicorn
Gabriel helping make the snow unicorn

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

New years gingerbread houses

 We usually do christmas eve gingerbread houses, but this year we did new years eve gingerbread houses. The kids had fun but were horrified when I threw them away after. They were so messy I couldn't move them to clean the table.