Wednesday, November 11, 2020

33 weeks

Bedrest is not my favorite, but it is keeping the contractions down and sometimes the pain. Also, my mother-in-law and the Relief Society Ladies are helping, which has brought a lot of relief. I am trying to focus ont he positive things I can still do, but I admit I only succeed sometimes. I find myself struggling with pride and jealousy. Oh well. 

Bridget's hair in braids!
Sienna's hair in braids
The beautiful sky on voting night. 
I managed to do it. It was hard to stand that long with the pain, I found myself constantly shifting my hips around while standing in line....probably looked ridiculous. 
Sienna made cookies without a recipe, the other kids loved it. 
Gabriel making bedrest not suck
Bridget found two more tomatos from the garden. 
Sienna finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix and this is how her face lit up when I started the movie. 

Bridget testing out Lucy's carseat

Gabriel invented a paper computer with options like looking up flowers, playing a ninja video game, and ordering food. Sienna wanted to participate so she added shows here she is performing A Christmas kitty. 

Bridget and I discovered a cardboard house youtube channel and I realized that it is something I can kind of do on bed rest. Here is the beginning on the kitchen counter. 
Gabriel invented water shoes
Gram bought Bridget and her doll matching jammies.
Gram had them color themselves


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Bridget is 4!

 For her 4th birthday Bridget wanted a "Soccer Ball" themed party. Soccer Ball is the name of her favorite beanie baby bear. Luckily I could create decorations while sitting and bought the supplies in advance. Bridget was so funny though. I made the decorations in the living room and she looked over and yelled, "Mommy! I can see you!" She sounded exasperated at my lack of sneakiness. 

She picked dominos pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and olives (bought on saturday), pink juice, rootbeer floats, mint ice cream, and a bear cake for her birthday. 

Daddy made her a table and chair

I actually felt good enough to put on make up and do my hair. I only woke up with one contraction after I fell asleep, I have been waking up to 3 or more contractions for the last week. I feel this was a miracle so I could help this cutie enjoy her birthday. I am really grateful for all the people praying for me. 

Couldnt convince this kid to wear a shirt and I was tired of threats and bribes.

She wanted the head, Sean monitered her cutting it off. 

"I want more when I finish eating the head" 
I turned the cake plates into bears