Sunday, September 11, 2022

Fred the Turkey

Sienna dressed up as a witch, she actually had a cute green witch hat too, but I didnt get a picture before Lucy got to it. 
Our neighbor has a wild turkey that sleeps on his house and eats his chicken food, sometimes he hand feeds him. I thought they named him max, but I guess it was Fred. When our neighbor throws party's he hangs out at our house. 

Its blurry but you can see Gabriel following him in this picture. He maintained this distance till a car drove by, then he flew after the car. He gets infront of cars at the stop sign, so you can hear people trying to get him to move. It it is really funny listening to people argue with a turkey.
Bridget turned the chair upside down and called it her throne. This is the 3rd picture I took when Lucy saw the flash she said, "cheese" for this picture. 
Gabriel attending to the queen.
The Queen bossing her servants around
The Queen is content


Karate moments

The karate place did Olympics week. Bridget earned a medal for agility and endurance, two things she is very good at.

Sienna got her next belt and I am so proud of her. 

Gabriel was too tired from school, but hopefully he can earn his next week. (Update: he did, unfortunately no picture)

Bridget and I were playing in the toy room, she made her toy a Santa hat with red tape and a white bead


First day of school 2022-2023

 The kids are back in public school this year. Partially because the girls wanted to and partially to give my time to resolve some of my health issues. I need an MRI to confirm the diagnosis officially, but I will probably need surgery to resolve my chronic pain. Recovering from a pregnancy that included bedrest made it take longer for me to realize there was a bigger issue. 

Lucy and I will be working on potty training

All three kids waiting for the bus with their custom backpacks
I love the anticipation in Bridget's face. 

Wedding day 2

We went to church in the morning, took a rest and spent about 4 hrs doing pictures. The kids were really worn out by the time we got to the reception.

Things were still going pretty well at this point and the kids were loving the reusable chopstick drum set.

Bridget the walrus.

It started to get really hot and Bridget and Gabriel were both struggling. We decided we needed to leave. Thank goodness we left when we did because a short way into the drive Bridget started throwing up. I had thought about letting Sienna enjoy more time with Graci but I am glad a chose against it, as the first thing she did when we got to the hotel was put on pajamas and lay down. 

 We got most things packed and I had Sienna come with me to clean out the car and we left early in the morning. I few hours in Gabriel threw up, but he seemed to feel better immediately after and the rest of the drive went smoothly. I was really worried they wouldnt make it to their first day of school and Tuesday, but the all woke up ready to go. I really take think they were just overtired....I usually don't them out for longer than an hour at a time, so many multiple hour events all crammed into one weekend was unusual for them. I do think we made some great memories swimming and playing with cousins. It was cool experiencing Cambodian wedding traditions, and seeing family I haven't seen in years.  

Headed home

Lucy picked these off the shelf at the grocery store and tried to steal them from the counter when we got home on 2 seperate occasions. She was so excited to finally get to eat them. 

Bridget with a sticker moustache. This girl makes me smile for sure. 
Bridget decorated my pillow for me. 
The kids were soooooo tired. 

Wedding Day 1

We showed up nice and early for my brother's big day. 

Bridget admiring the pretty Cambodian wear on Aunt and Grandma.

Enjoying a delicous breakfast.

The dowry

The sun was in their eyes, but instead of saying so they made these faces. 


Road trip

5 hrs into our 9 1/2 hour drive to Massachusetts
The clouds were really cool looking
At Mcdonalds for dinner

Swimming with cousins...but of course the kids that didnt get in the picture are mine, they were there I promise!
More from the drive


Garden love

Harvesting the butternut squash
Decorating with pumpkins. Sienna was excited that it looked like a witchy house.
Reprepping the beds for the next crops

Sienna drew a face on this dragon egg cucumber
I am always saying how pretty these candy roasters are, so Sean pointed out that they have stretch marks that look and feel just like mine.