Saturday, July 15, 2023



The prince and princesses overlooking the kingdom. I actually took the picture because i was enjoying the many shades of green from our plants, but the kids popping out was an added bonus. 
Cabbages, cabbages ( I am super weird because the song Savages from pocahontas always pops in my head when I see the cabbages). I accompanied Sean as he tried to get the bugs out of the heads, there was an invasion. 

Sienna's eyes were so pretty I had to take a picture. She almost never wears gray, but Gram found her a Harry Potter shirt and since her eyes change color this was a fun new eye shade for her. 
Practicing programming with C
Sienna's first program in c
I love you baby girl. ♥️ Even if you are planning on growing up, moving out, and getting cats. 

Queen Gerbil

 I am really enjoying having our cute little gerbil home. I am going to miss it when she goes back to school.

The faces
How pretty she makes the bed when I tell her to clean her room.
Lucy hard at work on the non functional computer 
Weird bug on our door
The raspberries are ripe and there is a good amount.

This girl knows how to dress up 
When Lucy says she wants a frog and Daddy goes out to the garden and brings one in for her. 

Summer fun

Sean helping the kids make homemade pizza
Gabriel giving Lucy a ride
I left my bed to use the bathroom and returned to this. It made me laugh, but also I kind of wanted to sleep too.
Gabriel's birthday present from Gram, under his snake drawing.
The girls loved the jewelry Gram sent


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

4th of July

 28 weeks and 4 days

The kids collected crickets and hosted a jump-alooza.