Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas 2018

This year we did gift opening the weekend before Christmas and on Christmas we went to visit Sean's family in Northern California. We visited the beach where we collected a ton of shells. We had a wonderful Brunch at Uncle John's house. The children were given gifts from Gram, and Aunt Sadie. Also an aunt an uncle I had never met before knitted adorable hats for them. I hope I still have some pictures since my phone reset.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018

We spent Christmas Eve this year in Modesto, Ca. Per my family tradition we made gingerbread houses, but this year Sean made homemade gingerbread for them, and for his co-worker's. They loved it and so did we! These houses were too good not too eat, and we had a blast decorating them.

Christmas Eve vlog

So as always I am a bit behind on the blog. Here is our video of Christmas Eve's gingerbread house making 2018.