Friday, March 29, 2019

Sienna is 7!

I can't believe my first is 7 years old. We love this creative, energetic, kind, wonderful girl and we are so glad she is part of our family. I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. She said, "Swim at a hotel." Lucky girl, because of our current circumstances, her wish was granted. We also got to take her to the Curiosity Museum at Thanksgiving Point the day before her birthday, and we had cake and pizza at grandma and grandpa's the day after. What a wonderful way to celebrate my beautiful girl.
Happy Birthday, first time using her new floaty
At the Curiosity Museum March 28, 2019

Sienna and Gabriel missed having snow this winter, so when it snowed on her birthday I told Sienna I believed it was God's gift to her for her birthday. 

Cake and Pizza at Grandma and Grandpa's on March 30, 2019
7 year old interview

Favorite color: white (snuggling new white blanket) , I still like blue but isn't my favorite anymore
Favorite toy: grey fluffy kitties (She got a new cat pillow for her birthday, and it is grey)
Favorite TV show: teeny titans
Favorite outfit: pj masks jammies
Favorite game: I made up one, leap frog: you just leap over the person than that person leaps over you and then you both spin and jump on the bed. It is a different kind of leap frog
Favorite snack: waffles (probably influenced by the hotel breakfasts)
Favorite song: I made one up. the twinkle twinkle stars. Twinkle little stars up above. Let's see those little stars shine. When they lose their glow it's not much fun but when the stars come back its fun again.
Favorite book: Bad kitty, the happy birthday one
Favorite drink: soda, but only when it's warm soda (recent brain freeze incident)
Favorite holiday: christmas
What do you take to bed with you at night: all the things I like
Favorite breakfast food: peanut butter and jelly with the crust cut off
Favorite lunch food: mac and cheese 

Favorite dinner food: uh, I don't have a favorite
What do you want to be when you grow up: put presents with you and be happy
Most memorable day: spring
Favorite animal: a star kitty, they drink from the moon licker, and they can't run under a person and they don't go back. And if I were a kitty I would go with that kitty. Moon, moon.
Favorite thing to do outside: swimming and balloon ball
Who is you biggest hero: 
 I made a super hero up. Wonder girl, she soars across the skies, shoots laser beams out of her hands and "woooosh" and throws bombs at the enemies. Her real name is skyler-dyler  she goes by wonder women so people don't ask for 160 autographs. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Traveling 2018-2019

After our 4 months of working in Modesto, CA it was time to head back to Utah. Due to my driving anxiety and my never having driven more than an hour and a half, and having only done that twice Sean split the driving into 3 days for me. Due to a 5 day storm approaching Donner's pass that turned into a 4 day trip. The weather ended up being clear the whole way which was a huge blessing. We spent 2 nights in Fernley , NV. We spent one night in Elko, Nv, 1 night in Lehi, UT, 7 days in Slc, Utah, and 2 and a half  weeks in an Airbnb in Cottonwood heights, Utah. We just switched again and will be spending 4 days here and then 8 days in a different hotel both closer to my parents. Despite how complicated this sounds it has been an overall enjoyable experience and although I miss having a home things are overall happy and good.