Thursday, January 21, 2021

Best 6 week check-up

 I had my 6 week check-up. The primary president watched the kids. It was so fun being approved to resume normal activities. 

I picked Bridget up for the first time in 4 months. She looked at me and said, "Mommy, you can't pick me up." I leaned in and said, "Do you want to know a secret? I can now." "I love being helded!" She shouted. Also, when I went to my appointment she looked around and said, "But mommy, whose going to drive you." "I am," I told her. She sounded so shocked, "You're going to drive?!" It left me giggling. It so fun being able to do the basics again. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Behind the Scenes

 I am having so much fun with my beautiful sister here. Today we did Lucy's newborn shoot. Here is some of the behind the scenes of my sister's incredible work. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 highlights

 1. Goodbye temporary housing!

After 2 years of living in temporary housing it feels so amazing falling asleep in our home. Once we got in I never wanted to leave and then most things shut down and I didnt have to go anywhere for a long time. 

2. Sienna's baptism
I am so proud of Sienna's decision to follow the Savior and be baptized as He was. It was extra special as her cousins, gram, and aunt Sadie were able to sing for it, via recording and grandma and grandpa were able to be there.

3. Our plants
One of the things I was really excited about with having a house in Michigan was having a garden, but I never made it happen. I told Sean about it and that I wanted to make it happen right away this time. Boy did we make it happen. 

We planted strawberries, blackberries, boysenberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackraspberries, and goji berries
Taking out the ground cover from the strawberry patch
Adding dirt for the raspberry patch
We also planted 7 cherry trees, 2 peach, 2 plum, and 6 apple. 
Here are the starter plants for the vegetable garden. 
Bridget showing off some of our vegetable harvest. 
4. Jinxie
Sienna had wanted a dog for a long time and spent the last 2 years showing she was ready. She even potty trained this guy. She went to cuddle him first thing every morning. She definitely got tired of being his sole caretaker when I went on bed rest and ended up hiding the leash so she wouldn't have to walk him, but overall I was super impressed. We were really sad to lose him, but having him still counts as a highlight for the year. 

5. Gabriel read his first 2 chapter books

It is so fun watching him pick up books and read and he even read Bridget 7 picture books at bed time, for several nights a few months ago. I am so proud of him. 

6. Sienna read the entire Harry Potter Series

I read Sienna the first chapter of Harry Potter and she was hooked. She read the rest of the book all by herself and was on to the next book, and the next. She breezed through them in the next few months. It has been so fun reading together, discussing the books and celebrating with each movie when each book was complete. 

7. My first power tool project

I made a secret passage from the kitchen into a little play area I created under the stairs here is Bridget in the doorway

I added hinges to this exisiting passageway

8. Awesome visits
We were blessed with multiple visits this year we are grateful for my parents driving our stuff across country, Sadie giving us a reason to go to the beach, Uncle Joe reading to the kids, fixing the plumbing and car, and we are especially grateful for Gram's second visit that allowed me to be on bedrest and keep Lucy growing till her lungs were ready.  God really took care of us through family and branch members. I was praying that we could have a visit from Sadie and then she called the next day to say she was coming. I was asking how in the world I was going to be on bedrest when Sean had to work and then Eileen said she could be there in a week. The relief society banded together to make dinners for our family and my kids were loving and helpful even though things weren't normal. We have truly been watched over. 

9. Bridget discovers leotards

At some point I realized that the only outfit Bridget would leave on all day was a leotard that I got for Sienna...who wouldn't wear it, but it was so cute I kept it. So I bought more leotards and made a few. 

10. And the highlight of the year, our sweet Lucy Ella. Here she is 7 weeks old.