Saturday, January 29, 2022

Lucy walks!

After mastering all sorts of skills, including climbing up and down stairs Lucy finally took her first unassisted steps today! Hurray. 13 months, so around the same time as Gabriel and several months later than the girls. It is amazing how different they each are.  

Gabriel made me earrings out of tin foil. They looked great, but didn't stay on very well, much to his disappointment. 
Checking out gumdrop the day after rehoming winter. 
Practicing my anime drawing with a picture of me and my siblings. 
Found some rollerskates/blades for the other two at the well. Now they can all skate together. I am convince Bridgets spends more time with them on than off at this point. 
Lucy loving the entertainment her sister provides. 
The ducks escaped the garage and I was so worried I wouldn't find them. Turns out they leave a nice ducktrail in the snow. 🙂
Sienn modeling her hairy potter shirt
Sunbathing in the snow
Sienna got student of the day in karate

Lucy likes to peek-a-boo through her legs. 
Gabriel won the battle, but lost the war. He ended up having to do his school work, because I didnt give up, but he scatched a layer of skin off. Winter is rough. We all get gloomy. 


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Meet Gumdrop


Rehoming our puppy was really hard, but since I could not breathe after spending time with her it was the right move for both of us. She has 4 new dog siblings, 600 acres to run around in and a new mommy that lets he snuggle in bed.

 Since I couldn't snuggle her good bye, we spent the morning using the windows to play come and giving her little pieces of ham through the windows. To help me feel less sad I wanted to get a budgie. I am hopeful I not allergic to them since I am not allergic to our ducks, however I have read that ducks are less likely to cause allergies than other birds because of their oil in their feathers. Also, we already have two rats and although I am mildly allergic to them as well they are smaller and therfore have less dander.  I have been checking out this white cutie for a month and thought we would bring him home. 
He is so cute! I tried to put him straight in the cage, but the other rats got a little mean so we will have to introduce him slower. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Catch up post

 This girl is always making me smile. 

Pigtails and doll binky
Mom, do that thing with the towel that you did with your hair!
Playing with our ducks
Loving our Duck babies
Sienna made French toast all by herself start to finish. 

Anime Bridget
Introducing duck mountain, letting the ducks spred their wings while the kids jump. 
The deep snowstorm that means I get to do no antihistimines for 5 days, again. 
Found this girl happily sitting and kicking her legs on the step stool. 

My queen of bubble baths
Lucy's first ponytail
We made edible spheres. Basically teeny balls of Jello.
I drew this. 
Bridget helping out the little cowgirl.
Lucy learned how to get in and out of her car. 
Gabriel got a rock tumbler for Christmas and his rocks are looking really pretty. 
Swing time

Anime Gabriel :)

When your duck water freezes do not try to break it with your heel. 
Drawing cousins
Chef Bridget

Happy 11th anniversary to me and my handsome Sean. 

These Zelda fans formed the tri-force in their sleep. 
The glasses I wanted but couldn't get because you must have a specific insurance and cant pay cash. 
Nothing cuter
I love how she goes to look out the window in the morning.

Sean made me this on our anniversary. 

Little moocher likes to share daddy's cereal

Lucy loves being part of the gang, including having her turn with the violin

My sweet baby. 

Dear Winter-I wish I could keep you and snuggle you and love you....but I can't breathe when I pet you....or when you are in my house. Even with you in the basement. Please forgive me. 
Our gorgeous snowy yard.